As Peter attempts to avoid “fading into irrelevancy in Ireland”, many league managers face a similar challenge as we hit Week 10.  In this episode of T&R, join Seth and Pete for some poorly quoted movie references and a deeper dive into the stats behind our league’s start/sit decisions.

It’s a war of attrition as bye-weeks and injuries (and frankly, poor performances) make this year’s title anyone’s race.  Not to mention, the havoc-inducing effect of the podcast curse.  What Hath Pod Wrought?!

It’s the greatest fantasy football league in the world, and THIS is its podcast.

The boys are back in town after a bit of travel, and Seth is running on about 50% mental capacity and 150% caffeine.  The race is on as we hit week 9, with several league members’ seasons on the line.

On a dare, we bring you this episode of T&R edit-free*, complete with stream-of-consciousness rants and non-nonsensical musings.  All in all, probably not the best episode to discuss numbers and statistics, but we did it anyway.  Find out how it went!

It’s the greatest fantasy football league in the world, and THIS is its podcast.

*Nearly.  I mean, come on, we’re professionals.


This week on T&R, league legend Scott Manuwai joins the boys for good ole fashion roast as Pete’s week 7 wounds are still fresh.  The Wave Rebel manager comes in guns blazing while Pete attempts to rhetorically console himself (and Seth laughs).

It’s all fun and games until someone loses a championship race.  Well…even then, it’s still fun and games…but you know what we mean.

It’s the greatest fantasy football league in the world, and THIS is its podcast.




The Squish Factor™ continues as the Pellwood League arrives at the mid-season mark.  This week on T&R, we welcome renowned artist Brent Powell as we discuss his recent t-shirt magnum opi and the inspiration (drugs?) behind them.

T&R also presents a very special guest of the wookie variety, introducing the newest member-to-be of the Pellwood League!  Much to the chagrins of our hopeful fan base, Chris “Chewie” Clark’s exceptional presentation, quality fantasy football resumé, and righteous beard make him the perfect addition to the League.  What’s Wookie for “Meet Chewie”?  Aaahnruh huuguughghg!

It’s the greatest fantasy football league in the world, and THIS is its podcast.

It’s a virtual feeding frenzy out there as the trade winds blow in from each direction.  Several teams are looking vastly different as we approach the critical midpoint of the season, and for the unlucky few, it’s sink or swim.

We’re joined by the ever-bearded Andy Ellwood as we discuss trades, ranks, and those who are make-it-or-break-it. We also announce the bittersweet news that one of our own will be retiring from the Pellwood league in 2017, and though the body isn’t even cold yet, we discuss the pre-reqs for future candidates.

It’s the greatest fantasy football league in the world, and this is its podcast.

The league standings have a chance of significant squishing in Week 5 as the league’s Win/Loss records could flatten to a close race.  This week on T&R, we’re joined by the often-pensive, always-flagrant Brock Waskow as our censor button gets a workout.

Seth gets caught in a trade-talk love triangle, Pete gets hammered for failing to produce power rankings, and Brock, well, just gets hammered.

It’s the greatest fantasy football league in the world, and THIS is its podcast.




This week at T&R, we welcome our first guest caller of the season as Jared Lorenz joins the ‘cast before a potentially tremulous week 4.  The spreads are getting wider as strong teams pull ahead, while injuries and broken trade talks plague the league.

Jared throws a few backhanded compliments our way, and we’re still confused on whether or not our feelings should be hurt.  We’re reminded that, in the end, T&R is for entertainment purposes only.

But I don’t..nay, I CAN’T receive that.  Why, you ask? Because it’s the greatest fantasy league in the world, and THIS is its podcast.

It’s only week 3, and the bodies are already piling up.  Few are the teams who remain unscathed by injury, and many are those who head into this week with a 1-1 record.

In addition to squaring off in this week’s matchup, Seth and Pete go head-to-head in T&R trivia as they discuss WR’s and IR’s.  Tension builds when Pete takes the hotseat, responding to the recent power rankings scandal that has rocked the league. The ethics of commissioner-managed rankings are called into question as Pete puts the “power” in power rankings.

In case anyone was wondering, it’s definitely a dictatorship.  Good news, though: outtakes are back.





With our first round of matchups behind us, we return excitedly to the weekly podcast format of head-to-head breakdowns and predictions. Full of obligatory trash talk and demeaning microaggressions, of course.

Our fearless Commish’ even managed a way to beat the system while sticking it to the man, creating our own power-rankings algorithm based on some combination of wizardry and all the maths. But no machine could do what Pete does in producing eloquent, poignant power-ranking commentary as if he was suckling directly from the teat of the fantasy football muse.  Such words…

Trade talks are undoubtedly ahead as performances and injuries stack up. Who will march the long road ahead to victory, week by week, matchup by matchup? Only time will tell. Oh, and Brent will. It’s Brent.

***Producer’s Note: T&R is back in the iTunes store, but under a new RSS URL. You may need to resubscribe, which you can do directly in iTunes here or via RSS here.***

Oh what a day…what a lovely day! Yes, the Draft was everything we hyped it up to be! All that, and more. From the comradery to the intensity, the 2016 Pellwood Draft will likely be a highlight of the year.

And now, we’re down to business. Week 1 kicks off with some great-looking matchups, and the proof shall be in the proverbial pudding. Mmm, pudding.

But before we get into our weekly head-to-head matchup discussions, we must first deliver what our massive fan-base demands: the annual Draft Grade. Where will your team fall? Tune in to find out.